June’s Raffle Winner
Posted: 5th July 2015
Congrates to J F Holmes who wins a bottle of the GMB whiskey.
Posted: 5th July 2015
Congrates to J F Holmes who wins a bottle of the GMB whiskey.
Posted: 25th May 2015
The branch would like to welcome Dean Allen as a new branch auditor who will take up the post this June.
Posted: 25th May 2015
This year Ian Hodgkison was elected to a position on the Rolls- Royce UK Council were Ian will take up a post on the Executive Committee in June 2015.
Posted: 28th April 2015
Claire Harlow is this months winner of a bottle of GMB whiskey
Posted: 7th April 2015
Just a reminder to all our second branch meeting is being held on Wednesday 15th April 2015 at the Rolls Royce Welfare Derby in the table tennis room at the rear of the tennis courts starting 12 noon, all are welcome.
Posted: 7th April 2015
Congrats to Angela J Reed who wins a bottle of GMB whiskey
Posted: 8th March 2015
Reminder that our next branch meeting is on Wednesday 15th April, everyone is welcome.
Posted: 8th March 2015
Congratulations to Dave Overton who wins a bottle of GMB whisky
Posted: 6th February 2015
Januarys raffle winner is M White who wins a Bottle of GMB whiskey